A big thank you goes out to all the service men and women of today and yesterday that have sacrificed their lives for the good of this amazing country.
Fittingly, I was assigned to read the Declaration of Independence for my American Literature class. I think every American should look over it from time to time and remind ourselves of the men, principles, and ideas that founded this nation. It is time to get back to this standard; we do not need career politicians and a corrupt government. States need more rights, federal government needs to be limited and the American people need to regain the "American Dream" and work hard to improve their lives instead of rely on a welfare system to provide for them. Abraham Lincoln's philosophy was “a government of the people, by the people,for the people,” not a government full of politicians that do not listen to the people, pass certain health care bills that will hurt the middle class, and don't pay taxes because they consider themselves better than us. But enough preaching, let's go wave the flag, light off some fireworks, drink some beer, and celebrate!
Me, Aislyn and Mike participating in The Yankee Volunteer
Fife and Drum Corps at a parade last summer.
God Bless,