Sunday, May 19, 2013

Help Send Local Dancers to Prague

One of the things I have been working on while on blog hiatus is getting a group of local dancers, including myself, to Prague, Czech Republic, to perform at the YMCA Europe festival in August. It is, quite simply, an event of a life time for us. There are eight of us going on the one week trip and while we are there we will perform multiple times in front of thousands of people, participate in workshops that teach about a variety of skills, tour the city and make memories to last a lifetime. I am really excited about participating in this trip.

We are doing a variety of fundraisers to help support the trip, including car washes and yard sales, bake sales, master classes, etc. If you are in the southern Massachusetts region feel free to come out and support us!!

The cost of the trip is about 2k per person, which means we are trying to raise about 16 thousand dollars for the eight of us to go. If you would like to donate please go to the site below. You can conveniently donate through your paypal account and help out this great cause. Also on the site is a list of upcoming events.

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact me!

Help send local dancers to Prague!

Thank you,