Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thrifty Tuesday: Castile Laundry Soap

I've mentioned a few times that we make our own laundry soap. I just ran out of our last batch and it was time for a new one, so I made some up this morning. I tried a new recipe because although the other one cleaned the clothes well, the soap & water separated and you had to shake it up before you used it. I wanted to make a more concentrated detergent without all the water. So I did some web research on Castile laundry detergent and this is the recipe I decided to go with: Homemade Castile Laundry Soap.

You will need:
1/4 cup liquid Castile soap (I used Dr. Bronner's)
1 cup baking soda
1 cup super washing soda
1 cup distilled white vinegar
1 cup boiling water
 Add the soap, baking soda, and washing soda to a large mixing bowl. 
Slowly add the vinegar & prepare for a bubble explosion! 
Aislyn loved that part ("my turn mama, my turn!"). Then whisk until thoroughly
 combined. Pour in boiling water and whisk again.This is what you'll get:
It should be a loose paste. Store it in an air tight container and use about 2 tbsp per load. If you leave it uncovered, it will solidify so unless you want a huge rock hard block of unusable detergent, don't do it. :)

While I was finishing up the laundry soap, Aislyn was busy cleaning her table. She's such a good helper!  (It's the only picture I could get of her as she's going through a phase where she hates her picture taken... and yes, her hair is nuts :))

Happy Thrifty Tuesday,

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